Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics

Module "Selected Topics in Algorithms and Optimization (V5C4)"

Lecture Course

Hardness of Approximation

Summer term 2025

Hardness of Approximation is one of the most active subfields of complexity theory and has been making steady progress in establishing which problems admit polynomial time approximation algorithms (up to reasonable hardness assumptions). For many problems, matching lower and upper bounds on their polynomial-time approximability have been shown, proving that often very simple algorithms -such as the algorithm of Goemans-Williamson or random sampling of a solution- achieve best-possible approximation ratios. This course will focus on giving a working understanding of the current state of the field, focusing on some standout results that represent well the standard techniques, as well as some applications of these foundational theorems.

Concretely the goal is to work on the following tentative list of topics:

The course will be given in English; lecture notes will be available. Sources for the course will include the following textbooks and articles:

M. Kaul